Maria’s Panzanella Salad
Summertime invokes memories of my father’s delicious beefsteak tomatoes he grew in our yard in New York. I remember how sweet and juicy they were. …
Summertime invokes memories of my father’s delicious beefsteak tomatoes he grew in our yard in New York. I remember how sweet and juicy they were. …
The word schiaccate (scacciati in the Sicilian dialect) means crushed or smashed. These flavorful green olives are cracked open before being marinated in a garlicky …
My mom was a working mother so she didn’t have a lot of time to prepare dinners during the week. These were always a hit …
Panelle are fritters made with chickpea flour, a popular street food in Sicily. The fritters are usually served in a bread roll. The more traditional …
The rosticerria (rotisserie) is a popular snack-food eatery throughout Italy. In Sicily, the word “rosticceria” refers to a place but also a type of cuisine. …
This rustic pie is made with pizza dough and filled with spinach, sausage, and …
Swiss chard is one of my favorite greens. It can be used most of the time interchangeably in many recipes calling for spinach. Chard has …
Puff pastry is great to have on hand as a quick time-saver. It works in a pinch when I don’t have time to make the …
Capers are flower buds that are either pickled in a brine solution or preserved in sea salt. If you’ve never had capers, they have a …
A Sfincione is a thick Sicilian pizza that is essentially a focaccia (in Italian) when not made with a tomato sauce topping. Just like focaccia, …